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Knowledgeable. Insightful. Funny. White Lightning is proud to present the authors of books that will make you laugh, make you think, and are absolutely worth the time to read. You'll agree that these are very special people who make a difference through their writing.
AUTHOR - Gary Zenker
Gary Zenker is co-author of Says Seth and Deathfarts: More Says Seth, and editor of the Ultimate DC Collectibles Checklist book published in 2013.
Gary writes on a variety of marketing-related topics in his blog, The Big Aha and runs both the Main Line Writers Group in King of Prussia, PA and the Wilmington Writers Group in Wilmington, DE.​

AUTHOR - Seth Zenker

Seth Zenker is the co-author of Says Seth and the forthcoming Deathfarts.com: More Says Seth. The youngest author in the White LIghtning "stable" at the current age of 8, Seth is both smart and funny.
Seth is a full-time student of life (and the third grade).
AUTHOR - Tony Conaway
AUTHOR - Tony Conaway

Born in Philadelphia, Tony Conaway first published in 1990 and has since written hundreds of articles for trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
His fiction has appeared in the anthology Chester County Fiction and a variety of publications including Clever, Linguistic Erosion and The Rust Nail. He has also sold jokes to the Tonight Show. David Letterman won't return his calls.
AUTHOR - Jane Butler
Jane Butler is an author and a speaker who feels compelled to tell others that profound change IS possible.

AUTHOR - Judy Chow

Born in Hong Kong, Judy Chow grew up in Philadelphia with a foot in each culture. The first time her kindergarten teacher spoke English, she just thought her teacher spoke terrible English.
Judy now lives in Cherry Hill, NJ where she plays engineer by day and writes memoir by night, writing the memoir of her uniquely blended identity.
AUTHOR - Julie Duffy

Julie Duffy lives and writes far from her native Scotland in an old steel town in Pennsylvania.
Julie is founder and director of StoryADay May, an annual creative challenge for short story writers - StoryADay.org. She also blogs about her life, writings and travcels at juieduffy.com.
AUTHOR - Joan Hill

Joan Hill resides in West Chester, PA with her husband and two sons. Joan is currently working on her novel.
AUTHOR - Walter Lawn

Walter Lawn is a mild-mannered disaster recovery planner for a global company. Poet is his secret identity.
AUTHOR - Bill McCambley

Bill McCambley's warm characters find themselves in the Philadelphia childhood where, apparently, the Twilight Zone has found a home.
Bill is a Philadelphia Phillies fan who is proud to be "hashtag free since '53."
AUTHOR - Robert Charles Mercer

Robert Charles Mercer had a blast playing in the Cthulhu Mythos and is developing his story into a novel. He lives in Chester County, Pennsylvania with his wife , two of his children and a wild menagerie of critters.
AUTHOR - Thomas Jay Rush

Thomas Jay Rush is the owner of a small internet-based software company, a fact he chooses to ignore, focusing instead on writing short fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry.
Jay teaches writing at the Community College of Phialdelphia, He lives with his family in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania.
AUTHOR - William Young

William Young can fly helicopters and airplanes, drive automobiles, steer boats, roller-blade, water ski, snowboard and ride a bicycle. He was a newspaper reporter for more than a decade.
Will lives in a small post-industrial town along the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania with his wife, three children and their cat.
AUTHOR - Susuanna Reilly
AUTHOR - Susanna Reilly

Susanna Reilly is a part-time writer and full-time legal secretary from Drexel Hill, PA.
Susanna is a proud member of the Main Line Writers Group (for which she serves as group Treasurer) and the Writers Coffeehouse, both of which have helped her hone her craft and introdced her to many talented writers in the Philadelphia area.
AUTHOR - Sarah S. Cain

Sarah S. Cain's short stories and flash fiction have appeared online, and she has completed her first novel, The Eighth Circle.
AUTHOR - Susan Drummond

Susan Drummond is a writer with deep interest in understanding and portraying people's individual experience of life.
Her short stories often arise from true events. She also writes memoir or personal history books for others, preserving their voice and unique reality.
AUTHOR - Sigmund Gard

Sigmund Gard lives in the Philadelphia suburbs and enjoys writing poetry.
He believes that the poetic mindset encompasses all of life as it appears in one instant and thereby constitutes a unique means for connecting with reality.
AUTHOR - Tom Joyce

Tom Joyce is an award-winning journalist. Codorus Press recently published his debut novel, The Freak Foundation Operative's Report.
AUTHOR - Lorinda Lende

Lorinda Lende's favorite sound is laughter. She hopes to add more of that to the world with her short stories and upcoming novel, The Party Favor.
AUTHOR - Matthew McGeehin

Matthew McGeehin is an office manager from Chadds Ford, PA and has been writing all genres of fiction for almost his entire life.
AUTHOR - Martha Nawrocki

After a career as a programmer analyst, technical writer Martha Nawrocki, an occassional poet, is a dedicated writer of self-improvement nonfiction for adults and youth.
AUTHOR - Elizabeth Stolar

Elizabeth Stolar is a lawyer and writer who authors competmporary fiction. She lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with her husband and two sons.
AUTHOR - Suzanna Feathers

Suzanna Feathers was born in Philadelphia and now resides on a small farm in Schuylkill County where she owns and operates a boarding kennel, and raises show dogs.
Writing numerous poems and short stories throughout her life, she is now finally settling down to have her works published.