Books, e-Books and Stock Photography

Stuff you'll love. Stuff your friends will love.
Buy a bunch and live a happier life.

A unique publisher focused on putting out interesting and fun books to read and tools to help you publish your own works.
Look for our offerings on Amazon.com or order directly from White Lightning through our web site (coming soon) or by phone.
Maybe your own books. Maybe those authored by good friends. But would you take the risk and publish that stuff knowing that it was good but might not sell huge numbers? Would you follow your passion or chase the big bucks?
We decided to follow our passions. That means books and art collections that we feel people would love if they ever saw them. But ones that other publishers might not be willing to invest in because they won't sell 10,000 copies in a year.
Our first book offering, Says Seth, pairs a father and son, matching the kid's heartwarming and funny comments with the snarky afterthoughts of his father. If you've had a child or spent a lot of time with them, you know their comments are honest and straightforward without a concern for political correctness. This collection is charming and laugh-out-loud funny as you contrast the child and the adult thoughts on the same topics. The follow-up - Deathfarts.com: More Says Seth should be available in late 2013.
We are pleased to pre-announce the publication of Voices of the Main Line Writers, a collection of fiction and non-fiction in multiple genres, showcasing the works of the Main Line Writers Group members. Some of the authors included have published hundreds of pieces; others will find this their first publishing credit. But the common thread among them all is talent.

We've also made available a variety of clip art and photography collections, sourced primarily from original turn-of-the-century sources and exclusive to our collections. It's definite eye candy. Check out Clip Art Masterpieces and Classic People collections.
But we've added another dimension by focusing on high resolution scans (a minimum of 300 DPI and up to 800 DPI). That makes these perfect for enlargement in print projects as well as online web content. The exclusive images and higher resolution scanning separates these collections from the hundreds of others you find elsewhere.

And honestly, that's just the start. There is more in the works and even more just in the planning stage for now. So check back often. You'll like the surprises we have in store.
White Lightning Publications books and products can be found through Amazon.com or may be ordered directly from the publisher. Signed editions are only available through the publisher and are available on a limited basis.